Sunday, December 27, 2009

the bunny is in charge!

shampoo is SICK!


Anonymous said...

Top 10 Things that Will Happen with Billy in Charge:
10. Everyone will poo any place they stop moving for longer than a minute.

9. Cleaning up will involve shoving everything to one side.

8. To make sure your family knows what is yours, you will have toe bite and chew a section of everything you own.

7. Every so often you have to poo on your kitchen table.

6. When required you have to drop everything and wash your hands and feet.

5. Laying down will involve diving to the ground.

4. 5-6 naps a day, followed by plenty to drink and eat.

3. Sleeping will involve lying as though dead.

2. There will be sex. Lots of sex.

1. When you relax, you will have to put one foot in the toilet and your head in a plate of food.

shampoo said...

haha :)

he's a silly bunny. the only thing i've lived up to is the naps. naps are good.

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