Wednesday, December 9, 2009

there's no hope for music...

miley cyrus also met the queen. she was also wearing a red dress. (oh, and wendy williams says lady gaga's dress was leather which seems more plausible, actually.) so, red dress at important events and butterflies in weird places (gaga has been known to "play" a butterfly-covered piano and miley has them all over everything). these seem to be current indicators of acts that aren't going anywhere no matter how many innocent people their cauterwaling deafens. oh, btw, sweet lil miley (as if) "performed" with her hand near her crotch. KLASSY!!


Anonymous said...

Mylie Cyrus, skanque.

Anonymous said...

Not to pick on Mylie Cyrus... Lady Gag gag and Adam Lambert suck feces through a straw too.

shampoo said...

for all I know, a red-gowned, butterfly-covered adam lambert performed at the same event.

Anonymous said...

No way. That Lady Gag gag dude is WAAAAY more butch than that Adam Lambert chick.

Anonymous said...

Need more proof that modern music is sucking as much cock as it can get away with? The powers that be just declatred N'Suck's No Strings (and By Strings, We Mean Pussies) as the album of the decade.
Oh, and in IT'S MILEY!!!!! news, the Snake Monster has declared that she will be releasing a cover of Shampoo's favorite song of all time...
Every Rose Has It's Thorn.
Don't worry, Shampoo, I'll be sure to get it for you as soon as it hits shelves!

shampoo said...

omg, I thought the covering of poison's most puktastic hit was a fever-induced nightmare. well, if the part about the snakemonster is true, then that photo I saw of her with bret is true, too. he was making THE SIGN and they were both wearing cowboy hats. he's going to play guitar for her. this is a really weird "rock of love" episode...

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