Thursday, December 31, 2009

lying: another disney weirdness

thank to my crappy line up of channels, i've watched more disney than I ever have before in my life. one odd thing I noticed is how much LYING there is in their shows. these are scripted shows.
it's mostly done for comic effect and the lies tend not to be very convincing, but i'm surprised parents aren't p.o.ed about this since it seems any time a parent or authority figure asks a question, they are to be lied to until they go away. irl, these lies wouldn't convince anyone (usually), but on the shows they always work.

if you can stand it, watch and see (evil laugh) or spare yourself some truly awful tv and take my word for it. hehe


Anonymous said...

lying is the official language of the modern american culture. i doubt this is an accident.
where's rowdy roddy when ya need 'im??

shampoo said...

it's in every episode of every show multiple times, so... (well, all the shows i've seen).

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