Tuesday, February 9, 2010

dr. drew, wth?

so, dr. drew decides to have a chat with heidi about how tom's derailing her recovery. oh, i'm sorry, IF tom's derailing her recovery (eyeroll).

so, heidi tries to say that seeing tom was... well, not so good... but, that's her past, he beat her up and she cannot go back to that. so, unaware that TOM SIZEMORE IS THE BIGGEST STAR EVAH, i'm figuring heidi's given the right answer.

even if to hadn't beaten heidi in the past, currently he is showing no real progress on beating this meth addiction. he is someone heidi has done drugs with in the past, so if they spent much time together, they'd probably fall into all of their old habits and then some.

the odd thing is, dr. drew seems to be encouraging heidi to be nostalgic for her relationship (i think he said love and friendship) with tom. he also seems to want to steer this conversation that's supposed to be about her into it being all about poor old (biggest star ever) tom. I don't get it...

sure, heidi needs to befriend someone other than her parrots. but, there are many people in the world other than tom sizemore. heck, there are better choices among the rehabbers... so, why tom?

meanwhile, tom works on more of jeff conaway's old (annoying) material. even to having his girlfriend arrive and tom suddenly declare they were leaving. since tom is a better actor than jeff, he caught dr. drew totally by surprise.

meanwhile, i'm wondering about tom and monroe. dr. drew talking about thwarting her "mission" when she came by at midnight to "visit" tom (they asked for a pee test, she refused). er... why would anyone be getting midnight visitors? aren't they supposed to be asleep then? posted visitor's hours?

I dunno... it was a weird episode.


Allen the Duck Guy said...

again, i really don't trust psychology... and dr. drew even less than normal. he does a lot of skewed things. it's a wonder anyone ever gets well under his care... i think he gets starstruck and just lets his professionalism go to crap when he does...

shampoo said...

yeah... the only good that has come of this is the non-famous monroe has been sent for treatment elsewhere. who knows, maybe she will get clean.

heidi outright said she left because loesha was being such a bitch about her bird. no one is accepting that, but loesha would have pissed off 99% of the people in the world.

Allen the Duck Guy said...

yeah, i've seen loesha bring the attitude to people before. how is that professional???? i;ve lost jobs for doing less than she's done...