Friday, January 8, 2010

countdown on the snakemonster

disney has announced that, more than likely, the 4th season of hanna montana will be the last (they gave themselves an out... just in case...)

miley, meanwhile, has made noises that's she's ready to move on... to the fabtabulous career she thinks she has waiting for her...

of course, this is s.o.p. for the mouse and they already have younger starlets waiting in the wings... of course, miley may be too young to have noticed.

miley has already said she's not that crazy about singing... so I wonder what she's thinking she's going to do...

not a few people think she's going to do playboy as an 18th bday present to herself.

I guess when she does we'll see her "just breathe" tattoo emblazoned on her chest. she says it's about cystic fibrosis, but rumor has it that the tattoo originally said "justin." this is from ent, so... well, crazydaysandnights is usually pretty reliable.


Allen the Duck Guy said...

Snakemonster is waaaay devoid of anything remotely talent based. I almost feel sorry for the bad day she is facing-- she can't dance, sing, or act, she has a rotten, snotty, bitchy personality, and she's not pretty. I guess she can always make it in New Country.
However, I think Playboy is probably way too classy for her. She'd probably be more comfortable in Incest Monthly or Skanque.

shampoo said...

I just found out... her parents are letting her 20 yr. old boyfriend move into the house. they claim she threatened to move out. this will work out well, i'm sure!

shampoo said...

well, her duet with bret michaels seems to indicate where she's going.