Friday, December 11, 2009

tears in the courtroom

today, casey anthony, broke down in cried in court. the prosecution was opening their case by wondering if caylee, just shy of her third birthday, looked into the eyes of her killer as duct tape was being put over her nose and mouth.

yes, I am watching "issues with jane velez-mitchell" and jane is talking to casey's lawyer who's whining about "people wanting to kill casey." he's not talking about random people, he's talking about the state of florida which may execute casey if she's found guilty of 1st degree murder of her daughter.
i'm tired of him saying this. I don't want to "kill" casey, but if she's found guilty of this crime... she deserves punishment. if it is determined that this is the punishment she deserves and all of her appeals fail to overturn it... then, it may become a regretable necessity. I am not a citizen of florida and I don't know all of their laws, but I assume that's about how it works.

however, casey hasn't been found guilty yet. so, she hasn't been sentenced to anything other than to be held in jail until her case is determined. she ran around free an awfully long time after poor little caylee went missing. she even committed some lesser crimes. his ranting about people killing casey makes me wonder if that's what he expects will eventually happen. because it seems like to me he should be whining about what's happening NOW (she's in jail and isolated, even from her family) rather than what could happen IF she's found guilty. and the worse case scenario. they could find her guilty, but not sentence her to death. or geez, casey's lawyer, couldn't they find her not guilty and let her go home? you can't really blame people on the internets assuming she did it if you're kind of doing the same thing.

jane thinks she heard casey say, "make him stop" as the prosecutor talked about caylee looking at her killer as one, two, three pieces of duct tape were put over her mouth and nose. someone told whoever asked that, "I can't."

a lot of people think they know what it's like to be in a courtroom due to the bazillion courtroom dramas we've seen. i've been a juror (not on a murder case) and the real thing is very different. it's very serious and very real. no one can make it stop until it's over. and whatever happens, the course of people's lives will be changed. that may just be why casey was crying today. this isn't a hearing or whatever. this is it... she's on trial for her life.

and if she's found guilty, even if she's not sentenced to death, no one will have much sympathy for her. if she's found guilty, she won't deserve it.

but we don't have a "found innocent" option.
and in casey's case we don't need it. she still delayed reporting caylee's disappearance, she repeatedly impeded the investigation over and over by lying and leading people on wild goose chases. and then there's her shopping spree on her bff's stolen checkbook (allegedly?). if she's found not guilty a lot of people still aren't going to like her.


Ricky Sprague said...

That is a good point- her lawyer almost seems to have given up. Or is he setting up an argument that there is no way Anthony can get a fair trial?

shampoo said...

ricky sprague, I think he tried to get a change of venue, but failed. so, you're right, he's setting up the appeal. of course, that means he thinks she'll be convicted, so...

the tape they played on nancy grace with her and the police makes her look pretty guilty. they're trying to find caylee and casey's pointlessly lying about her job.

Anonymous said...

She does deserve a fair trial, but I have to say from what I have heard about it, which IS mostly circumstantial, she is guilty as hell...

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