Sunday, June 13, 2010

1979 national enquirer article on nsa's website

like all government agencies, the national security agency and their bffs, the central security service, have a website. on said website, they have some declassified information including some "oral histories" by retiring members of the service (these have been typed up, but audio recordings may also have been made for all i know).

however, i decided to browse through their declassified stuff (for about two minutes). i found a section called "ufo", so i clicked it and there were a number entries. one of them was a copy of a national enquirer article that claimed "super secret agency warns of alien attack." this article had been simply clipped and identified. there wasn't even a "haha" out to the side.

so, you know what this could mean? it could mean that the nsa takes the national enquirer seriously. and if THEY take it seriously... does that mean it contains actual facts? or do they just clip its articles as a way to discern what sorts of things average people are reading in grocery store lines? it's a mystery. but, going to the nsa's site is a convoluted way to access a national enquirer article, that's for sure.


Ricky Sprague said...

The National Enquirer was right about John Edwards.

shampoo said...

ricky, that's true. they've been right several times... even when they were breaking news no one else knew yet.

i didn't read the article, but maybe i should. but, i am thinking i may check the enquirer more often...

Allen the Duck Guy said...

It is scarey that the Enquirer is ever right, but they do seem to scoop folks these days. Of course, scooping the morons currently controlling the media is no difficult task...
As for aliens attacking... given the resources it would require to travel from one planet to another en masse enough to conduct an invasion... why bother? There are plenty of planets out there. Surely one of them is unoccupied and fertile for alien settlement?
Of course, for that matter, given our corrupt and greedy, slimy ass politicans, all the aliens would need is a way to replicate gold and obtain children for perversity and the planet would be theirs without a fight.
I hate governemnt.

shampoo said...

allen tdg, the enquirer kind of does things differently from what I understand.

i'm not really worried about an alien attack. i'm wondering why the nsa clipped that article. what about it caught their eye? why was their eye roving across the pages of the enquirer? do they always read it?