Sunday, May 30, 2010

gaga worried about bad spirits?

it's being reported that lady gaga has ordered "ghost busting equipment" to take onto the road with her. i'm not sure exactly what they're looking for (or how they're doing it), but some say gaga is being "haunted" by a ghost or some sort of bad spirits.. anyway, it's following her around. (i'm using quoties because i doubt anything in this story is even true anyway.)

hm.. well, my advice, if lady gaga were to ask me and i am pretty sure she will, is to learn to sleep with the lights on.. seriously. it helps me not have bad dreams. i have absolutely no scientific explanation as to why that should work, but it does. :)


Ricky Sprague said...

Given Ms. GaGa's success, I would think she'd want to keep those "spirits" around. Maybe they're whispering to her.

"Pssst... why not go 'my po-po-po-ker face' right there?"

shampoo said...

ricky s, haha... good point. also, that finally explains how the "hermie" rumor started...

Allen the Duck Guy said...

Where's proton pack when you need one....

For that matter, is it just me, or does Lady Gaga actually resemble Gozer?

shampoo said...

allen tdg, obviously I haven't seen the movie in a while... I recall the proton packs, but not gozer.