Sunday, February 21, 2010

frenchie is in a commercial!

it's one of those phone lines. but still, it's frenchie. the other girls may be from vh1 shows, too.

grr... stupid vh1 not doing background checks. ruining everything... poor jasmine had a phone line ad as well...

stay away from canadians, frenchie!


Ricky Sprague said...

I noticed this commercial during a late-night showing of, ironically enough, "Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew."

Way to go, Frenchie! -from pornographic videos to, um, "party line" commercials.

shampoo said...

ricky sprague, I was probably watching the same thing. haha

yeah, frenchie has an interesting life. don't forget the strepping!

Allen the Duck Guy said...

y'know the weird thing is that unlike a lot of these sex industry girls, frenchie seems so upbeat and happy to be there. she's a riot though, i wish her well.

shampoo said...

yeah... i think she's one of the few who is happy with what she's doing. so, it's fun to see her get a commercial.

shampoo said...

oh wait.. i would not have been watching sex rehab as i watched not even one minute of that show.

Allen the Duck Guy said...

huh? when did sex rehab get into the discussion?

shampoo said...

look at the first comment.... i misread and thought he said the regular c.r. show since i watched that. i didn't see the sex one or the commercials associated with it.