Thursday, November 26, 2009

political thanksgiving

I just heard a woman giving thanksgiving tips. it involved place cards. how many people use place cards for their family thanksgiving? wth?

she advised separating people based on political views because what if someone wanted to discuss abortion. hello, I don't want to hear about any medical procedures during a meal. at that point, someone should just smack the person on the back of the head. I mean, gross. let's talk about gangrene! let's talk about colon cancer! wtf?


Anonymous said...

Geeze. Has it really gotten so freakin bad in this country that we cannot even occupy the same dinner table? Why, thank you RNC for your 'mobilization of the base.' Please, don't stop till we have civil war.

shampoo said...

it has gotten so bad. thank GOD that for all my family's crazy ass faults WE'RE DEMOCRATS. on thanksgiving we get together to EAT. plus, we don't need politics to argue. any subject will do.

Anonymous said...

LOL 'any subject will do.'
Oh shit, that's funny!
Round One: FIGHT!

shampoo said...

fortunately, we can usually refrain from outright fighting (i mean a sustained vicious argument, we don't hit each other or anything). we more squabble. someone will usually intervene. i've got through one meal with only a minor incident. tomorrow, round two.